Why isitImportant to Follow a Correct Meditation Posture?
If this is your first-time practicing meditation, you might start asking yourself, “Do I have to sit exactly this way?” Meditation postures can be overwhelming at first, especially if you’ve never done any type of exercise in your life. But proper meditation posture can make a significant difference in the results of your practice! The importance of correct meditation posture Most people who are new to meditation find it difficult to do many of the stances. For example, the full lotus pose requires you to have both feet resting on top of your thighs, which can be difficult for someone without experience. If you can’t do it, don’t worry; you are not alone. That said, it’s important to keep practicing to improve your skills. This is because proper posture is essential. Even just sitting the wrong way can affect the way you meditate. Why? Because maintaining a relaxed state as you meditate can help you become more comfortable while remaining aware of your surroundings. ...