Experience All Your Seven Major Chakras with Osho Chakra Breathing Meditation!
Chakra refers to the energy centers in your body, and they must stay open and balanced. Do you have chakra blocks? One way to banish them is to practice Osho chakra breathing meditation. But first, what are your seven major chakras? The root chakra is at the base of your spine and responsible for your sense of security and stability The sacral chakra below your belly button, responsible for your creative and sexual energy The solar plexus chakra in the stomach area, helping your confidence and self-esteem The heart chakra is in the center of your chest, giving you the ability to love and show compassion The throat chakra, responsible for your ability to communicate verbally The third eye chakra between your two eyes, related to your intuition and imagination The crown chakra at the top of your head, representing your spiritual connection to yourself, others, and the universe ...